“SUMER Is Icumen In”. What a way to start the January 2015 meeting of Whitley WI on a cold winter’s night.

This mid-13th century rota song was sung by our guest speakers John and Ailsa Booth, who then continued to entertain members with a musical journey through time. The journey took us through songs about, love, war and lifestyle, then into the music halls of the 1930s, blues and jazz from the deep south of the USA, ending with protest songs and the music of four lads from Liverpool.

In this centenary year of the National Women’s Institute, Whitley WI will play its part by celebrating the past, but looking forward to the future, ensuring the continuance of our village’s thriving institute.

The year’s speakers’ programme includes talks by the north west air ambulance, the origins of nursery rhymes, local history and distant lands, with a bit of belly dancing.

Many interesting outings and events are still in the planning stage, so watch this space.

Our next meeting on February 5 is Whitley’s 77th birthday. We will sample cheese and wine as well as a specially-made cake.

Why not come and join us when we meet at 7.30pm in Whitley Village Hall on the first Thursday of the month? You will be welcomed, as are all visitors and new members. E-mail patsysharpy@hotmail.com for further details.