HAVING just driven along Tanners Lane, I wonder how much longer we must wait for it to be resurfaced as it must be the worst maintained road in the borough.

It is obviously more important to spend £70,000 on messing about with the junctions of Manchester Road and Kingsway no doubt in the name of ‘safety’ because of the accidents there due to bad driving.

Another waste of money was spent on improving Liverpool Road with bollards and islands that now make turning out from side roads a nightmare.

Yellow lines have been painted to stop parking near the junctions. All are totally ignored and no parking wardens ever police the roads. So just a waste of money when other roads are in desperate need of basic maintenance.

The council has let us down badly over basic road maintenance. Pot holes are filled in so poorly that a few weeks later the area surrounding the repair deteriorates and we are back to square one.

On one money saving subject in the town the highways department could be shut down as it serves no fit purpose.