I WONDER when somebody at Penketh Medical Centre will see sense and take some action (Warrington Guardian, July 16).

Every year we get these reports on the patient satisfaction levels.

And every year, Penketh is somewhere near the bottom.

Largely because people can’t get through and make an appointment.

It is as if those people at the top are happy to stick two fingers up at the patients and say, ‘we know you aren’t happy but we don’t care, we are going to keep doing things the way we want to’.

Do they not care that people are having such a miserable time?

In what other walk of life would that happen?

In retail or business, you would change if customers were saying that.

In schools, Ofsted would demand change and head teachers would lose their jobs if they were rated so poorly.

Yet it seems in medicine and the NHS, nothing changes.

In short, what is the point in filling out a survey if you aren’t going to be listened to?

I can think about it all I suppose while I am waiting for minutes and minutes at a time for somebody to pick up the phone and answer my call.