I READ in last week’s Warrington Guardian (March 7) that Peel’s development of Port Warrington is entirely conditional upon the building of the Western Link expressway.

From 2007 to 2011, I had the privilege of being a borough councillor and, both as a member of the development control committee and the executive board, saw the paperwork that came to both of those bodies, none of which mentioned this connection with the (as then unmentioned) Western Link.

This would of course be the same Peel Holdings who will benefit hugely from the rise in value of its (currently green belt) land on which the proposed enabling development of homes is to be built as part of the Western Link plan.

So I wonder when this sudden news that, ‘no Western Link, no Port Warrington’ first came to be known.

Was it, possibly, known at that pre- 2011 time by certain council officers? For as both officers and elected members exist solely to serve the needs of the local electorate, from whose council tax they are paid, they need to be wary of being seen as playing ‘hole in the corner’ games.

There is, I admit, a Biblical precedent for ‘not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing’ but I don’t think it was meant to serve as a template for the conduct of Local Government.

BOB TIMMIS Warrington