REFERENCING Cllr Dan Price (Warrington Guardian, January 31) where he says that he has worked all his life in modern manufacturing.

It’s quite interesting to then read that he puts a political spin on Dyson by saying that Brexit loving Dyson has moved its headquarters and hundreds of millions in taxes to Singapore.

But Cllr Price has failed to say why.

As I understand it, Dyson has identified new markets in Asia and in particular for the development of an electric car along with a supply chain, manufacturing facilities and a ready skilled engineering workforce.

Sir James Dyson has long been critical of the UK having a skills shortage of engineers and machinists that Dyson’s technology requires, whereas Asia has them in abundance.

Plus back in October the EU and Singapore signed a free trade pact to deepen the economic relations between the two regions.

Along with this deal, two other agreements were signed between the two sides,the EU-Singapore Investment Protection Agreement and the EU-Singapore Partnership and Cooperation Agreement.

The trade pacts signal both sides’ strong commitment to free trade at a time of increasing protectionism.

Regarding Airbus taking flight, Cllr Price is spouting project fear because Airbus has said there would be no immediate change to its UK operations because of the company’s production cycles.

Airbus is a company that works on the ‘just-intime’ process and part of our negotiations of Brexit is to establish a free trade area for goods in order to protect the integrated supply chains.

TONY FOX Stockton Heath