KEN Foster’s letter of December 20 castigates Warrington’s MPs for not obeying the ‘will of the people’ over Brexit, but then praises Labour’s Kate Hoey, oblivious to the fact her constituency of Vauxhall voted an overwhelming 76 per cent to remain.

She was subjected to a unanimous vote of no confidence by her local party after famously cuddling up to Farage on a Brexit boat trip.

Earlier she has supported Tory Boris Johnston’s campaign for London mayor, and as a supporter of fox hunting she is clearly bored with inner city working class issues.

Mr Foster also venerates Frank Field, the now independent MP for Birkenhead for being pro Brexit.

Field is an interesting candidate for sainthood given his authoritarian views on working class morality.

A former Tory, he described some of his poorer constituents as ‘toerags’ and suggested housing them in shipping containers (Guardian, August 2018).

Others might suggest a different wording to me, but ‘not mainstream Labour thinking’ comes to mind, other than being in a safe seat one has to wonder why he stayed in the party so long.

Mr Foster seems unable to understand the principle that MPs are not delegates, they are representatives of all the people in their constituency, a principle set out by Edmund Burke no less.

You can throw them out at elections, but in between you must rely upon morality, honesty and duty to guide their behaviour.

If I saw someone determined to commit suicide or self-harm I would do my best to dissuade them, yet he seems to suggest we should shout at them to obey that will, obey the decision they made, jump off the cliff and just get on with it.

It’s your right to sit in the corner of the pub and spout on to those around you, or more likely today those in a closed social media bubble who share your prejudices, but when you write to a newspaper you expose yourself to people who are bothered to research the facts, surely you can do better than this sad little diatribe.