IF YOU had one day left to live, what would you do? Spend time with your loved ones? Smoke as many cigars as you could and down a few bottles of whisky? Maybe you would ring up some people and let them know exactly what you think of them?

Whatever your decision, chances are watching this tripe would not be one of the options. With the tagline: 'What Seagal does in Vegas, nearly destroys it' audiences can tell they're on to a winner.

Second-rate action star Steven Seagal is Harlan Banks, a man committed of a crime he didn't commit. Teaming up in prison with Ice Kool (no, seriously) played by rapper Anthony 'Treach' Criss, the duo set out to get their revenge.

Before long Seagal is doing his usual martial arts routine, except most shots show his back so it probably isn't even him. There is, however, exploding cars in a car chase and a shootout in an abandoned warehouse - this film really has got it all and more.

Utter, utter, rubbish.