THERE are NO plans by South Cheshire Health Authority to introduce the morning after pill at schools in Cheshire.

Northwich and Winsford were both highlighted as hotspots for teenage pregnancies in figures released last year.

But a report outlining the health authority's reasons for the decision has now been rubber stamped by county councillors.

As part of its 10-year strategy to tackle the problem, Cheshire County Council had been considering what advice schools should be given on administering the morning after pill through the school nurse.

But the report from the health authority says that existing school nurses/health advisers are not trained to issue prescriptions for the emergency contraceptive.

And the health authority would not introduce emergency contraceptive services into schools without the development of agreed protocols with the local education authority.

The most effective way of ensuring that young people recieved holistic care in relation to their sexual health needs was the current signposting system offered to young people by teachers and school nurses, the report concludes.