In a statement faxed to the Knutsford Guardian Manchester City Council confirmed that the Over Ward Residents' Community Association had been disbanded.

Tenants on Longridge and Shaw Heath are now being asked to form new groups to manage the estates.

This week Clr Wilson Hamman pleaded with them to act fast.

"It is absolutely ridiculous that at a time when things are in limbo we have not got a residents' group," he said.

ORCA was founded in 1996, but was suspended by Manchester Housing in September after failing to stage its annual meeting.

That was followed by a series of disputes.

This week former chairman Brian Daulby said he was disappointed the group had been disbanded.

"It is obviously with regret that it closed, but we thought it was the best thing to do," he said.

Manchester Housing has set up a management committee of user groups so that activities can continue at the Community House in Longridge.

The new tenants' group will be allowed to use the centre and have a say in how it is run.

For advice on how to get involved, call 0161 234 4787.