RESIDENTS in the Cledford area are set to launch a new association to combat the ever-growing problems of nuisance youths.

This latest move in the fight against anti-social behaviour in Middlewich comes after an elderly woman was verbally abused because she asked a group of teenagers to quieten down.

When she went back into her home a weapon was thrown. It did not hit her, but caused a small amount of damage to the house.

The weapon was a boat hook which had been snapped off to leave an 18 inch wooden handle.

Middlewich mayor, Clr Dave Sutton, believes that things are spiralling out of control.

"This weapon was produced from under the jacket of one of these lads," he said. "When people are carrying weapons like this around and concealing them it is very worrying. If it gets pulled on someone they will have problems. It would do real damage."

Clr Sutton is teaming up with Bill Blunn, chairman of Newton Residents Association, to help set up a new Cledford association.

Clr Sutton said: "People are afraid to go to the police fearing retribution. What we need is people to come forward and get involved."

Mr Blunn added: "It's no good complaining if people are not prepared to do something.

"Our association is proof that people can make a difference. Over the last 18 months we've paved the way and are starting to get results."

Anyone wanting to get involved should contact Bill Blunn on 01606 837997 or Clr Sutton on 01606 832721.