APPROVAL has been given for a new housing development on land off Delamere Street in Winsford despite objections from nearby residents.

Barratt Chester has been given permission to build 34 two-storey detached and semi-detached houses on the western side of Delamere Street, adjacent to Greenfield's Primary School.

Winsford Town Council had objected to the plan on highway safety grounds fearing an increase in traffic on to the already busy road and inadequate visibility at the junction of the proposed access.

And several residents had written letters of objection claiming that new traffic lights would cause queues preventing them parking outside their homes and discouraging people from using local businesses.

But a report to Vale Royal Borough Council's planning committee said: "Objection to the traffic lights would appear to arise not from highway safety issues but from concern over amenity and the consequences for on-street parking.

"The proprietor of a local shop is concerned that passing trade will be discouraged, as parking in front of his premises would come to be affected by traffic waiting at the lights.

"Residents fear the queueing traffic would prevent parking in front of dwellings fronting on to Delamere Street. These issues could not be supported by highway safety objections."

The planning committee approved the application but further talks are to take place about the possibility of crossings at both ends of Delamere Street while a pedestrian phase will be planned into the sequence for the traffic lights.