I WOULD like to nominate both St Helens Council and Merseyside Travel for the Nobel prize for wasting money.

The bus lane on Marshalls Cross Road is great example of just how to waste money. A bus lane for one bus every 12 minutes. A bus lane that will cause congestion. A bus lane that is not needed.

If we are going to have an integrated transport system that warrants a bus lane will it mean all the buses that use New Street will go on to Marshalls Cross Road? - no it won't. It will take a serious accident to get the bus lane scrapped and I hope the people who think this is a wonderful idea will be able to sleep with the guilt when it happens. This is no doubt the same people who said "Oh yes we will put bollards to stop people cutting across the central reservation". Well one set got put up, we are still waiting for the second.

St Helens Council and Merseyside Transport stop wasting our money on useless projects.

Invest our money into a proper, well funded integrated transport system. Look at other cities on how to do it and the mistakes they have made and learn from them or is that something that might be too hard to do?

A Powell (via e-mail)