IT'S results day!

Teenagers across Warrington have had today's date in the diary for months - the day they receive their A Level and BTEC results.

Hundreds of students across the town have been heading into school and college this morning to pick up the long-awaited slips of paper bearing their exam grades.

Many will be celebrating and preparing to head off to their chosen colleges and universities across the country or getting ready to start a new job while others will be facing an anxious few days as they go through clearing and wait to hear whether they have a place on their chosen course.

In the past, schools and colleges have waited until 10am to hand out the A Level results, but many have opened earlier today so that students can receive their grades as quickly as possible.

Has your son or daughter received their A Level results today?

Would you like to say congratulations and praise them for all their hard work over what has been a difficult few years?

Use the form below to send us a well done message and don’t forget to include a photo of your son or daughter.

A selection of these messages will be included in an online article later today, Thursday, and could also appear in next week’s Warrington Guardian.