DETAILED plans for a new housing development on land at Omega have been approved.

Bloor Homes has been granted permission to built 195 dwellings in the latest plot on the former RAF Burtonwood side.

These homes will be built close to the Airlift Park.

The mix of two, three and four bed properties will be two or two and a half storeys.

According to the plans agreed by Warrington Borough Council this week, 146 will be at normal market value while 49 will be 'affordable'.

A statement from Bloor Homes states: "The proposed development includes the creation of new pedestrian and cycle routes which will link into the existing network and provide new opportunities for walking and cycling through the site, with connections to the wider Omega site and beyond.

"These new routes will encourage a reduction in car dependency through the creation of interconnected streets that are conducive to waling and cycling."