It’s been a summer of cancelled holidays and social distancing in the UK- but the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t stopped people from committing crimes.

According to the most up to date police data from June and July 2019/2020, overall crime reports increased by around four per cent this summer.

Warrington has also seen an increase of anti-social behaviour as well as violent and sexual crimes this summer.

Here is everything you need to know about Warrington’s summer crime reports and how the data compares to last year’s figures.

2019 vs 2020- how do summer crime reports compare?

In 2020, a total of 3695 crimes were committed- a four per cent increase on the year before.

Across both years, violence and sexual offences were the most reported crimes; 1164 violent and sexual offences were reported in 2019 and 1424 in 2020- an increase of 22 per cent.

Anti-social behaviour reports are also higher this summer compared to last- 827 incidents were reported in June and July 2020, which is an increase of five per cent.

Drug-related crimes also saw an increase of 23% this summer.

However, it isn’t all bad news as some types of crime have seen less reports this summer.

With more people staying at home during the pandemic, you would expect burglary reports to go down- and this is exactly what police data from Warrington suggests.

Burglary reports decreased by more that 38 per cent (38.6%) this summer.

Warrington Streets with the highest summer crime reports

In summer 2019, the Warrington street with the most amount of crimes reported was Bridge Street, where 44 incidents were reported- the majority of which (14) were for anti-social behaviour 

This summer, Bridge Street appears to have cleaned up its act as only five incidents were reported in June and July.

How many crimes were reported on your street this summer? Input your street in the search bar and let us know in the comments.

In summer 2020, the street with the most amount of reported crimes was Orchard Street, where 28 incidents were reported; the year before, only seven incidents were reported on this street.

On Orchard Street, violence and sexual offences, as well as anti-social behaviour were the most reported crimes each receiving nine reports in June and July.

Greenings Court (25 incidents reported), Browning Drive (23 incidents reported) and Unsworth Court (22 incidents reported) were other street with high crime reports in 2020.