SO Ken Foster’s ‘gut instinct’ tells him Corbyn is a ‘very dangerous’ man (Warrington Guardian, April 12) and ‘there isn’t a country or organisation opposed to the UK or the west which Corbyn doesn’t support’.

Perhaps he can inform us of the names of these countries?

I’ll start him off with one; The Tory Party.

Not one to miss jumping on a bandwagon, A Edwards resurfaces and clearly doesn’t understand the difference between anti Semitism and anti Zionism; fortunately most Jewish academics, free thinkers and humanitarians do.

Also asking the Government to produce evidence of guilt in the Salisbury poisoning affair is hardly a ‘pro Russian’ act.

In fact it is something practised in British law courts everyday and is part of what was once our proud democracy.

So we have two people that believe the world will be a better place if Corbyn shaves off his beard, changes his hat, and allows lack of evidence to allow right wing zealots to put us on the brink of nuclear war.

In that case I’d like to add to my earlier statement by saying ‘they also read The Sun’.

Joseph Goebbels once said “It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion”. Now he was a ‘very dangerous man’.