ON March 20, crossing from Warrington Central Station to Warrington Bank Quay, I noticed the barricades being erected in the town centre.

A steward reminded me that is was the 25th anniversary of the Warrington bombing and a service of remembrance was to be held later that morning.

On Friday morning, I went shopping and, crossing the town centre, paused before the recast memorial to Tim Parry and Johnathan Ball with its little circle of floral tributes.

After some errands, I went to the ‘peace and quiet’ room, an overly tiny space dedicated to the needs of ‘people of all faiths and of none’, only to find it decked out in pursuit of the same sort of narrow, sectarian interest that had cost those two young lads their lives.

I sat awhile and knew with a force I have never known before the significance of those two words, ‘Jesus wept’.