I AM writing regarding the resurfacing of one side of Grafton Street.

The contractors completed the even numbered side and now we, the odd side, have been told it is not being done on our side of the road.

All the street was supplied with an information leaflet informing the tenants to remove their cars etc.

A neighbour rang the council on February 8 to be told ‘you supported this move of one side, I also sent you an email’.

The lady on the phone to the highways department was told it was due to keeping the cost down.

The job started at 9.30am and finished at 11.30am, which to my mind was a minimal job for six men to complete.

The resurfacing is supposed to prevent further deterioration of the footpaths.

I think this is very unfair to the elderly residents as this side is very bumpy on the surface.

And it has been re-patched up over the six or seven years that I have lived here. It is open to people tripping and making claims against the council.

I myself have slipped today on my way to the bus stop.

Children riding their bikes in the summer could easily have accidents.