IT cannot have escaped the notice of Warrington people that their streets are becoming strewn with all types of litter, mostly cans, plastic bottles, chip cartons and crisp bags.

One wonders what it would be like if council workers, and I might add one or two concerned members of the public, did not take the time to clean the mess up.

It is now quite common for people to throw litter out of their car windows, evidence of this occupation can be seen at road junctions such as Orford road and Birchwood Expressway.

Driving along Capesthorne Road the other day, it is sickening to see the litter dumped on the grass verges.

One wonders how the residents feel about their environment looking like Gatewarth tip.

There seems to be absolutely no will within central or local government to deal with the growing problem in a robust way.

I suppose WBC will say it has limited finances to deal adequately with the problem.

One wonders how this can be when we have a council which seems determined to build on every remaining scrap of land including wildlife sites and parks.