I WOULD like to praise Alan Dobson for his letter in last week’s paper (Warrington Guardian, November 9) about the lack of plain English at Warrington Borough Council.

While it probably touched a nerve in the council, it was spot on.

It is bad enough trying to work out the various titles of council officers and councillors who feature in the paper, or even worse in council press releases, let alone trying to navigate through committee papers.

A simple search this week gives the executive board member for environment and public protection, the executive board member for public health and wellbeing and the executive board member for children’s services.

So that is the environment, health and education then?

Do these people get paid per name in their title?

But of course this disease of lack of plain English is by no means limited to the Town Hall.

We have Dr Dan Bunstone, local GP and chair of NHS Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group.

Even the names of these institutions are unfathomable.

Can we please get back to titles members of the public can understand?

It would be the start of the road to get people trusting public bodies again.

PAM EVANS Grappenhall