WHO wants city status?

Were the residents of Warrington ever widely consulted? Was there a referendum to gauge public opinion?

Not as far as I know.

It appears to be an autocratic initiative by Warrington Borough Council. Everyone I speak to cannot understand why there is a need to become a city nor actually wants Warrington to become a city.

For a number of years Warrington has had an aspiration to gain and bid for city status culminating in the country wide competition to celebrate our monarch’s golden jubilee. Generally, city status can only be awarded by royal decree.

Warrington was unsuccessful in that competition.

So why is WBC still pursuing this city status goal?

In the current proposal for the WBC Local Plan is a Garden City Suburb, involving the uptake of precious green belt land.

It is clear that the driver for such over optimistic and unrealistic visions are the flawed aspiration for WBC to continue to pursue city status.

This is also clearly evident as stated in the new strategic objectives in the preferred option and emerging new Local Plan.

Let’s improve Warrington as a thriving township and be proud of it.

Ensure we target the areas needed for inner Warrington and suburban development and improvement using all our available brownfield and greenfield development sites and not destroy the beautiful green belt countryside surrounding us with the flawed vision of gaining city status.

City status is a misguided and flawed concept on to which WBC is hanging its hat.

It has been driven by the results of third party consultants employed by WBC, who most likely do not understand the community values and have not taken heed of the populous of Warrington.

Unrealistic projections for disproportionate population growth would appear to be driving this need for additional houses, which WBC maintains can only be provided by the uptake of green belt land.

Rise up Warrington, have your say. Send a letter or respond to the WBC website before it is too late.

Let’s protect our town and green belt. Let us protect our environment for the sake of our future generations, not destroy it.