I WOULD like to support the day centre’s continuation in Allen Street (Warrington Guardian, July 20).

It provides support for people who are mentally ill but not in hospital who generally live in some type of supported accommodation, or with their families if they have one.

There are some organisations who are of the opinion that patients can be ‘normalised’ and live in the community successfully on their own when they leave hospital.

This has been found not to be the case with all patients. Some can only be maintained, not cured, and their well-being depends on having people at home who are able to support them, make sure they take their medication and can be encouraged to engage in community events.

Some are very vulnerable without that continuing support and the services that Warrington Day Centre provides.

As a one-time organiser of a group for carers and their affected families, Warrington Day Care Centre is a place where they know to go for support and activities and a meal if they need one, at a reasonable cost, and the members help towards this.

They go there knowing they will find help and support if they need it and the friendship of people with similar problems.

ANN HADDOW Warrington