It would appear that Graham Brinksman must have a crystal ball to be able to make such profound and bizarre predictions of life under a future Tory Government (Warrington Guardian, May 25).

I too have a crystal ball, a later model, equipped with a memory chip and also the ability to make predictions based on changing parameters.

I duly inputted ‘Corbyn wins and repeals the trades union strike laws’.

The outcome, while frightening, didn’t hold any surprises.

Day one: The rail unions, after all they bankrolled Comrade Corbyn, put in a demand for a minimum 10 per cent wage increase.

The railways, not yet nationalised reject the claim.

The union strikes and the entire rail network grinds to a halt.

A new Red Robbio appears (Google him if you’re too young to remember him) and incites wildcat strikes within our buoyant car industry of Nissan (Sunderland), Toyota (Derby) and Honda (Swindon).

At this point my memory chip reminded me that all these car manufacturers came to the UK because we did have such antistrike laws in place.

As the first strike bites, Jean Claude Junker seizes his opportunity to stick his knife into the UK and invites all three to relocate, at his expense, to mainland Europe.

Mini, being owned by BMW, relocate to Germany.

More than one million jobs lost and on the dole.

The financial strain causes our Marxist Chancellor John McDonnell to increase taxes and the downward spiral begins.

The British economy collapses and Comrade Corbyn has to approach the IMF for a bailout.

As in the 1970s, the IMF impose a fiscal policy on the UK.

For those of you not old enough to remember, this isn’t a fantasy scenario, this is exactly what happened the last time we had a left wing Labour government.

However, even I was amazed as my crystal ball rolled on.

It appears that Comrade Corby rejects the IMF’s loan deal.

Then at that point, Comrade Putin steps in with a much better offer.

Unfortunately this involves the removal of all NATO troops from our shores and the ports of Portsmouth and Plymouth given over to a new Russian Atlantic fleet.