I READ with interest Gary Bebbington’s letter in the Warrington Guardian (Thursday, April 20).

I can only agree with him but the idea of the road from Walton to come out at Crosfields traffic island wouldn’t work because of the huge expense of a bridge over the Manchester Ship Canal and the Mersey, providing I understood correctly what he meant.

Bridge Foot could be made better with the stopping up of the bottom end of Bridge Street and making buses and taxis join the traffic flow at another point, not controlled by traffic lights.

The access to Riverside Retail Park could be taken off Bridge Foot island and moved to perhaps somewhere on Farrell Street.

That would close another timed traffic light out of the roundabout and help speed up traffic flow.

If the part time lights at Asda Cockhedge were turned off completely this would relieve the backlog often seen when they are operating on Church Street, Midland Way and Mersey Street.

It is a traffic island and does not need stupid part time lights that cause many hold ups.

To prove my point, check out the AA website and zoom in to Warrington.

It updates every few minutes and view the congestion.

The problem is that the experts always know best and show no common sense.