IS it not time to do something to encourage more parents to walk their children to school rather than using the car?


Yet again we are enjoying a school holiday with no queues on the road and no problems for drivers.

It happens every time.

Christmas is the best but the summer holidays are pretty good too.

So at least one of the problems of our roads misery here in Warrington is clear – school traffic.

Can the council not encourage more people to walk?

Can lazy parents themselves not work out a way to walk rather than drive?

This didn’t happen 20, 30 or 40 years ago.

Children walked or got the bus to take them to school.

I appreciate roads are busier and people are worried about other crimes, but parents, friends or grandparents could walk with them. It would also encourage more people to be healthier Whatever happens, it is about time that parents started taking some responsibility for the car parks that are Warrington’s roads.

It seems pretty clear where the problems currently lie.