I AGREE with Mr Wilson (Warrington Guardian, January 12) regarding the road systems in Warrington and a major rethink needs to take place to get the best of the rubbish system we all currently endure.

I have noticed a ridiculous amount of tailbacks on weekday mornings along Cromwell Avenue as far back as the junction with the Asda traffic lights. On joining a queue on Monday morning (January 9) it took 40 minutes to travel to the junction with Froghall Lane and Priestley Street where our queue mysteriously disappeared and we were able to travel at a reasonable speed to Tesco.

The timed traffic light changes and the roundabout at Crosfields is now dangerous.

If you want to travel to Stockton Heath in daylight, make sure you take extra food and water as the journey down Wilderspool Causeway will take forever.

Most delays are due to traffic lights that seem to give priority at the wrong time to certain roads.

My biggest bugbears are the pedestrian ghost lights that stop all traffic so that the non-existent pedestrians can cross.

Some lights are so badly timed that the chances of an accident are increased dramatically.

I have written to the traffic department several times only to be rebuffed as they are always right.