YET again we have another letter from Gary Bebbington complaining about money being spent in north Warrington.

My but this man has an almighty chip on his shoulder when it comes to this.

People in north Warrington pay their taxes as do people in south Warrington.

You don’t see letters of complaint from them when any work is being undertaken in the south of Warrington.

Perhaps it’s because the residents in north Warrington are more tolerant and understand that money has to be spent borough wide – unlike Mr Bebbington who seems to think that it should only be spent in south Warrington.

The decision to close the Lloyds TSB branch in the village is nothing to do with Warrington Borough Council. It is purely and simply a decision taken by Lloyds which originally took over the TSB to gain access to a banking system that only the TSB had.

Now Lloyds is offloading TSB branches as has happened in the town centre. Nothing to do with a perceived north/south divide.

It’s time Mr Bebbington changed the record.