I HAVE attended a consultation meeting in connection with Livewire’s plans for Warrington’s libraries.

It seems to me that among the PR friendly talk about outreach programmes, ‘Reading Hacks’ , ‘Transition App project’ etc, that they may have lost sight of what a local library is.

They say that people want more digital solutions.

But do people want this at the expense of not being able to browse on a real bookshelf in a library, perhaps discovering a new author?

Do they want it without a librarian at hand to provide assistance, without having a library that does not require a car or bus journey to get to?

Do they want it without one of the few social activities many people have during the week?

They provide projections of how their schemes for downgrading our local service will increase usage.

I do not know where they got these numbers from (show your workings maybe?) Do they take into account the many over 60s who will not be able, or not be comfortable with, having to use the internet to use their library service?

Is there an acceptable level of attrition in those over 60s who will be excluded from using their libraries?