AS a regular patron of the Parr Arms in Grappenhall village I have been approached many times by occasional customers of the pub enquiring after the dilapidated condition of the building opposite St Wilfrid’s church.

As I am not a resident of the village I am unable to offer any information.

However I am aware that many non-Warringtonians, including those who patronise the canal cruises on the Ship Canal, regard the village as one of our town’s most beautiful and evocative areas.

They seem disappointed by the shabby condition of the building that ruins an otherwise attractive site drawing interest from visitors to the town.

I have no clue as to the identity of the owner of the property, but as its continuing unsightliness may damage the economy in the long term may we request the local authority intervene?

Surely some sensible compromise may be arrived at. Either the owner of the property offers assurances that he or she will upgrade it to dovetail with the generally orderly appearance of the village or the local authority places a compulsory purchase order on the property.

Either way, the reluctance and inertia of both the property owner and the local authority continues to provoke concerns among both residents and visitors to Grappenhall village.

There are few sites of authentic interest for visitors to our town and there will be one less if the current situation is allowed to further deteriorate.

This serves no good purpose for businesses and residents of the village.