I READ with great interest the article in the latest issue of the Warrington Guardian (March 24) about the council’s road plans for our town.

In particular the reference to traffic signals being an effective part in easing congestion.

All recent upgrades and changes to the traffic lights on Kingsway/ Manchester Road, by the cemetery on Manchester Road and at the Famous King and Queen on Padgate Lane have increased congestion and have made matters worse.

There is now congestion at all these junctions from lunchtime onwards which was not the case before these changes were implemented.

This is restricting traffic trying to enter and exit Warrington.

With regards to safe crossing places for pedestrians, this has to be a priority – but can someone explain to me why four ways of traffic can be held up while all pedestrian lights are on green even when there is not a pedestrian within half a mile from the lights?

This happens frequently at the traffic lights at the Froghall Lane end of Crosfield Street and at other sets around town.

I now come to the mention of algorithms.

It is my opinion along with many other motorists (both local and visitors) that these algorithms are constipated – that is why our town is bunged up.

There is a cure, councils in southern England have found that by turning off traffic lights, it eases congestion with no increase in accidents.

This is an old fashioned cure but is generally termed ‘common sense’.

My conclusion to this is that we need fewer traffic lights and not more.