I WOULD like to say shame on Cockhedge Shopping Centre for giving Parking Eye the parking contract.

I have just been a victim of a £100 charge for parking there for more than two hours on a Sunday and there was no visible signs on entry to inform of any changes.

I suppose in a way I should have been a bit more observant on the way into the Asda but with two young children in tow it was the last thing on my mind.

Anyway one week after my visit on November 29, I got the parking notice through the post which I won’t be paying, never mind acknowledging.

Never will I be visiting the Cockhedge Centre again until Parking Eye are no longer in charge of the parking arrangements.

Instead I will be using Gemini or even Widnes instead.

So my message to the Cockhedge Centre is this.

You are driving people away. Think again.