I'VE seen some excellent stuff recently in local news and on social media about residents in Warrington taking it upon themselves to help refugees coming into the UK and to make a difference.

I have seen a reader letter suggesting every town takes 15 families, I've seen collections of food and clothes being prepared to be sent down to Calais by individuals, and an excellent response from the Warrington Islamic Centre.

"Could times be changing?", I thought.

"Could this be a sign that our collective fear of diversity and change is fading?"

Alas, I may have been too optimistic. I have seen comments about 'not knowing which refugees are actually terrorists' and claiming that Warrington has had 'more than its share', whatever that means – we haven't actually taken any yet if you were wondering.

MP Helen Jones has rightfully called on our council to take in refugees, but I do not believe she has gone far enough by suggesting 10 families should be taken in.

Refugees coming from countries in conflict (conflict that we are too often involved with on some level) are humans.

They have no less right to live than you or I, and it is the responsibility of towns like Warrington to be at the forefront of this movement, telling the Conservative Government that we will not stand by and watch as thousands upon thousands are condemned to death, or worse.

I would happily take a refugee into my home, because this isn't about 'them or us', because they are us.

Oh, and to those who say that refugees should have jobs lined up before they arrive; would you have said that about Jews fleeing Nazi Germany? I thought not.

Josh Booth