HOW ironic that details of the proposed funding of Chapelford station finally appeared in the same edition of the Guardian (July 30) as my letter complaining of its absence.

How interesting too to note that the estimated cost (£7 million in February 2013, then £9 million in May 2013) should now have risen to a staggering £12.66 million.

Of this, the borough council’s contribution – reported in 2013 as £1 million – has now increased to £4.31 million.

No information is supplied as to how this capital sum is to be financed by the council but assuming (say) a 30-year loan from the Public Works Loans Board the cost to the council’s annual budget could be more than £200,000 for each of the next 30 years.

How gratifying that this can be afforded in these days of public sector cut-backs.



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