OH dear, an election is happening in May.

This means that the electorate will be in line once again to receive unwanted junk mail, party activists calling, letters from would-be candidates seeking election, and every other method the political parties can dream up to buy one’s vote.

It is a well-paid position if one is elected and one gets an expense account that is submitted to other members of the club.

Is that a turn on or what?

I worked for 60 years and never had an expense account, but I did not have to run round asking people to vote for me. I got my employment through trust.

That brings me to another question. Why do members of parliament not have to swear an oath that they will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? What they do promise is their or their party’s version of the truth which is a way of fibbing to the electorate without penalty.

I believe it is important to use one’s vote when one has one, if one does not then one cannot complain afterwards. If one does not choose a candidate, put ‘none of the above’ on the ballot paper.

One then still has a voice to be heard. And someday, maybe it will be needed.

R F BALL, Orford