REFERENCE roadworks on Sankey Way, A57, Warrington.

The notices said the work was starting on July 28 and would last until November.

There has been hardly any movement on this for more than 10 weeks.

Now the school holidays are over work has started to move.

The traffic on Sankey Way during mornings and evenings is horrendous.

It takes ages to get through and onwards at 6pm — even going through to the junction at the Chapel House, Great Sankey, is extremely slow.

Why do roadworks in Warrington take so long to complete? Elsewhere, such as Lymm, they are completed much faster. Traffic light settings are no better on Sankey Way.

At 6.35am there can be 20 or more cars and lorries waiting at the end of Sankey Way (Sankey Green) to move on. But the lights are on red while there is nothing on the roundabout.

Bridge Foot/Knutsford Road lights, approaching Bridge Foot, allow three or four cars across, yet Chester Road lights seem to always be on green.

Please can Warrington take some tips from other parts of the UK on traffic management and get the town moving again? The current situation creates angry drivers who need to get to and from work or on their journeys to wherever.

Lorna M Leach Great Sankey