NOT only does UKIP promote the politics of hate it seems to hate the environment too.

Yes, current solar panels need some precious metal for manufacture, however this is being reduced by scientific breakthroughs every day.

Australian scientists have just (last month) produced the world’s first printed solar panels,using organic plastics and materials. It is thought possible that these panels could be laminated onto glass on office blocks or roofs.

When have solar panels or wind turbines caused earthquakes, illness, carcinogenic water and air pollution, or bought naturally occurring radioactive material to the surface.

This radioactive sludge water may have a cute acronym NORM but it is now (since October 2011) too radioactive to put into our drains (or even the Manchester Ship Canal).

No facilities are able to treat it in the UK and in the USA some contractors are draining it onto roads in the middle of the night..

Finally, the co-author of the study Laurence Stamford, says the reporting of his work is ‘misleading’. Particularly the headline ‘Greener than Solar panels’ in quotation marks.

“That makes it look like we are saying that solar panels are all round worst than shale gas,which...

is not really what we have said.”

Fracking will not reduce consumer bills and is not a long- term solution.

The only benefit seems to be monetary gain for the people investing in it.

Pete Roberts Westbrook