I NOTE in the Guardian there is often much made of the so-called division between the way the north and south of Warrington seem to be funded by the council.

I would ask all residents of Warrington to ignore this so-called disparity as most of us have the same problems.

While pages could be written on each of the following, we have potholed and ill-maintained roads all over the borough, a bus service which with the price rises and route cuts must be one of the worst in England, a parks system that cannot even maintain our parks decently, bins emptied fortnightly and full of maggots.

On the other hand, we have council officers being paid more than £100,000 per annum, millions of pounds’ expenditure in Orford on an unneeded leisure facility so councillors could meet the Queen, the Mayor getting an Audi A6 when he should get the bus, (indeed, as councillors are so keen on public transport I wonder how many attend meetings using public transport), iPads for councillors, etc, etc.

The council should concentrate on providing basic services for the benefit of residents across the borough, something that Terry O’Neill and his lot are fundamentally failing to do.

Mike Gray Lymm