THE continual bus fare increases by Network Warrington are driving poorer people into social exclusion and deeper poverty.

If fares go up, poor people don’t pay up — they just don’t travel.

This isolates them and cuts the bus company’s income. The tactic of continual fare increases will ultimately bankrupt the company and cause havoc in the lives of hard-up people in Warrington.

The latest idea of doing away with the town ticket for £56 and only selling a whole network ticket for £84 is a cynical move to screw money out of the least well-off people in the town.

The company must think that everyone will just cough up and put up with it.

I think in fact that people who are not well-off bus company executives will just stop using the bus.

I was going to renew my town ticket but I won’t do so now. I will be buying a bicycle.

Steve Jarvis Birchwood