WHAT’S going on in our libraries?

As an unemployed person I have to use the library to do my job searches as I have no internet at home.

Now we have been told that there is a charge of £1 if you are employed and a charge of 50p if you are unemployed to get an extra hour on the computers.

But now I have been informed that I need a letter to show to the librarians that I am unemployed!

I did show them my Gateway card, which is needed to gain access to the Universal Job match website but this was not enough.

So just what is going on? The council must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel when they have to do things like this.

It looks like we the unemployed are getting yet another rough ride from a council, which I would presume would like to get the unemployment figures down.

We are given a number of hours by the Job Centre that we have to complete our job searches, if we do not we could be sanctioned. Is the council going to be happy seeing people, through no fault of their own get sanctioned?