EASY access of young people to guns has become a big threat to society.

Several gun attacks concerning young people, as with the deaths of Kally Gilligan, aged 15, and Joshua Zephiniah, aged 18, in Manchester, and the unsolved mystery of how Joshua got hold of the gun is alarming in that lives are at the fingertips of people barely adults yet.

Deadly weapons like guns made for the purpose of killing should not be allowed for possession among ourselves in the community which is not at war.

Whether the owner is 18 or 35, it makes no difference when the consequences are the deaths of the loved innocents.

Fair enough, if one knows how to fire a gun in case of emergency requirement. But should one be walking around the neighbourhood with one in his hands?

I think not, and it is how things should be! Guns should be banned for the safety of ourselves and be held only in the hands of those responsible, like the police.

I have got A level exams coming up, university offers and a future ahead of me to think about.

Being doubtful which one of my friends has a gun in his or her bags or just simply being frightened by the possibility of being shot is just what should not be happening!

By Thet Oo