A DEVELOPER'S plans to build 79 homes are set to be approved – despite failing to comply with planning policy after proposing just 10 per cent of affordable housing.

Quorum Development Management Ltd’s proposals to build 79 properties, on land bounded by Delta Crescent, Westbrook Crescent and Westbrook Way, will come before the development management committee tomorrow, Wednesday.

The committee is recommended to approve the application, subject to a section 106 agreement.

Planning officers said 'it is not considered' that the loss of employment land would be 'detrimental to the strategic employment land supply' in the borough.

They also confirmed the scheme fails to comply with planning policy as it proposes eight affordable housing units, which amounts to 10 per cent – 20 per cent less than the 'required' amount.

In a statement, they added: "The applicant has submitted a viability appraisal that demonstrates that the site is unviable with the full amount of affordable housing provided on site.

"The viability appraisal has been independently assessed by the Valuation Office and is considered to be acceptable.

"The submitted viability report demonstrates that the site is not viable to pay the full section 106 contributions and the offered contribution of eight affordable units is the maximum number of units that can be provided.

"The development of the application site for housing is, however, considered to have wider benefits of investment in Warrington and is an additional benefit of the scheme.

"The low number of affordable units and lack of planning obligations have to be weighed against the benefit of the site being delivered for housing.

"It is not considered that the low number of affordable units and lack of financial contributions is an adverse impact that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of delivering housing on this site."