MEN are more successful at passing their driving tests at the Warrington test centre than women, according to the latest figures.

Figures from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) show that between April and September 2017, 56.6% of men who attempted the practical test managed to pass.

While 47.9% of women were successful.

Across that period Warrington test centre carried out 2,990 tests - 1,673 for women and 1,317 for men.

There were 1,547 passes, at a rate of 51.7%. That's higher than Great Britain's average of 47%.

The test centre with the highest pass rate was Golspie, in the Scottish Highlands, where more than three quarters of learners were awarded their licences, while in Erith, south east London, less than a third were successful, making it the toughest.

And driving tests are likely to get more difficult to pass.

These statistics are from before the test was changed on December 4 last year, with many observers saying the reformed test is tougher than the old one.

Learners now must navigate for 20 minutes using a sat-nav, and explain how to test the brakes, clean the windscreen and demist your windows while driving.

Lesley Young, DVSA chief driving examiner, said: “All candidates are assessed to the same level and the result of their test is entirely dependent on their performance on the day.”

Despite having the higher pass rate, a study of insurance deals shows that men often pay higher premiums than women as they have more accidents.

By Ralph Blackburn, data reporter