ATTITUDES of staff was the second biggest complaint from patients in Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral, according to latest figures.

But out of 293 complaints in the past year, only 43 per cent were upheld.

The statistics provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre found nationally written complaints made about NHS care, including hospitals, GPs, dental services and ambulances, in England increased to an average of 480 every day.

In Warrington, statistics are grouped with the rest of Cheshire and the Wirral and found clinical treatment topped the complaints league table while in GP surgeries clinical and administrative grievances added up to more than half of complaints.

Figures for the area were largely below England averages but patient watchdog Healthwatch Warrington said complaints can be a good thing.

A spokesman added: "We believe that complaints are a good indicator for service providers of where they should focus time and attention to understand why things go wrong for patients.

"The data from the Health and Social Care Information Centre will help us to better understand how trusts and commissioners respond to complaints and to work with them to improve their services."

Warrington Hospital fared better, according to the data, after seeing complaints drop from 571 between 2012 and 2013 to 422 in the past 12 months.

A spokesman for NHS England in Cheshire, Warrington and the Wirral said: “We always take complaints very seriously and welcome information like this, as it provides us with a very useful tool for improving and shaping the services that we commission for patients.

“It’s important that people share their views on the services that NHS England commission, such as GP and dental services, in order for standards and expectations to be met.

“NHS England in Cheshire, Warrington and the Wirral are looking closely at this particular set of data in order to ensure that we are providing high-quality services for our patients.”

Any patient who needs help, advice or to give feedback about health or social care services in Warrington can call 246893 or visit