IF you are a Facebook fiend or an Instagram addict you cannot have failed to notice activities this week have largely revolved around teeth-chatteringly cold buckets of water being sloshed over nominated victims’ heads.

The ice bucket challenge has gone viral around the world during August raising cash for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), known as motor neurone disease in the UK, after the family of an American baseball player diagnosed with the condition encouraged people to take part to raise awareness.

Kerry Katona's fiance George Kay has been among the town’s celebs taking part with his chilling challenge taking place in his future mother-in-law's garden in Warrington while the town’s handball queen Holly Lam-Moores filmed hers in much sunnier climes by a pool.

A special mention also has to go to Warrington Wolves coach Lee Briers and boxer Martin Murray who got absolutely drenched in aid of the Steve Prescott Foundation alongside secretary for the cause Martin Blondel.

But it has not just been famous faces getting involved in the craze as Birchwood resident April Bradley did her bit for Macmillan in the middle of Bridge Street.

The 25-year-old has so far raised more than £60 following the stunt and nominated Warrington Wolves players Ryan Atkins and Joel and Michael Monaghan to take on the challenge next.