MEET the pair helping to ease the workload of 10,000 endoscopy cases a year at Warrington Hospital.

Pam Jacobs and Sue Guerin started at the hospital on the same day five years and two months ago having trained and gone through university together before taking on their new role in the last month.

Previously doctors would carry out the endoscopy procedures which would range from investigations into why patients are having difficulty swallowing, abdominal pains or rectal bleeds.

The tests normally take a maximum of five to seven minutes but Pam and Sue’s training as endoscopy nurses now means they can help with waiting lists and free up consultants.

Pam added: "It can be a variety of things that would lead to us visiting a patient and if a patient is concerned about having the test we can sit down with them and reassure them about what they’re having done and give them a bit more understanding.

"I think they worry sometimes about the procedure but we’re not that scary once patients meet us!

"It’s been a hard journey getting to this point and wondering if we would be able to do it but it’s been great being able to train in our own department with doctors we know."

Emma Bailey, assistant general manager for scheduled care, said it was important to provide 'more flexibility and an increased capacity' as a 10 to 15 per cent increase in demand for endoscopies across the country has been predicted.

Dr Sal Khalid, endoscopy lead, explained an increase in the population’s age has added to the growing numbers of cases and an increasing awareness around cancers and symptoms.

Miss Bailey added: "We have not seen a reduction yet in the waiting list but it does allow access to consultants for specific procedures."