PRESIDENT Doreen Procter opened the January meeting by welcoming three new members. On a sadder note she announced the death of Barbara Pinkney, a loyal member of Newchurch for many years.

Secretary Jean Riley followed Doreen with an account of the Christmas party and a list of coming events – the Spring Coffee Morning on March 18, Oklahoma at the Lowry on March 19 and a trip to Media City in Salford on April 21. A summer trip to Hazelwood Nursery was also announced, along with an invitation from Croft WI to join in the County Centennial Celebrations at Gawsworth Hall later this year.

The evening’s speaker, Ian Black, chose as his topic Hoofpick to Scissors. This covered the two great themes of his life, horses and hairdressing. Ian showed some beautiful illustrations of wigs and explained the art of making hairpieces and switches. He spoke of his own training, including time spent in Paris and his progress in his profession until he had his own business.

The speaker on February 11 will be Morag Burton and her topic is The Magic of the Western Isles.