TO say its something of a surprise to hear John Newman talk in a broad Yorkshire accent is not meant to do a disservice to that fine county.

It's just the sheer soaring power and emotion of his soulful bellows means an accent of any kind if pretty hard to pick up.

At Manchester Apollo on Tuesday night, Newman dazzled from the get go, a born entertainer in an utter comfort zone on-stage, and in the spotlight.

Debut album Tribute has been an international success, classic break-up fodder for the heartbroken masses.

The thing is, while singing about love, infidelity and sleepless nights is fairly typical for an popular artist, Newman really sounds like he means it.

He informed the crowd Tribute was in fact written by the girl who cast him aside, not literally of course, but lyrics like 'cause cheating's just a thing you do' in (yep, you guessed it) 'Cheating', sounds unquestionably genuine, Newman literally shaking with effort in the garb of a '50 rocker, hitched-up black trousers and white socks.

The set piece of the stage aided the theatre, the show preceded by a video montage of press interviews held with Newman, before he strolled down a set of lit up stairs reminiscent of 90s TV show, Stars In Their Eyes.

There's no danger of anyone impersonating the 24-year-old any time soon, his voice a unique talent.

It even lends itself to drum and bass, seen here in the encore of 'Not Giving In', a hit with Rudimental that brings even the seated area of the venue to its feet.

Those feet are stomping for the finale and global number one 'Love Me Again'.

An anecdote from the show was when I was told by my girlfriend John Newman appeared to be dancing LIKE ME.

Admittedly at that point he was bent over double, stretching lungs to capacity, and in any other situation may have looked like he was in physical pain.

But I still had to get that in there.