A BRAIN tumour fighter who discovered she had the disease when pregnant says she is ‘forever grateful’ after her colleagues raised funds for vital research.

Laura Mahon, 32, from Lea Green, was diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) brain tumour in September 2021 when she was 27 weeks pregnant.

Doctors originally believed the baby was pressing on a nerve, but she was sent to The Walton Centre for an MRI scan; which led to the discovery of the tumour.

She and her husband Danny made the toughest decision of their lives; and opted to bring their daughter into the world at 30 weeks.

St Helens Star: Laura and her daughter with her colleaguesLaura and her daughter with her colleagues (Image: Laura and her daughter with her colleagues)

On November 30, 2021, Sienna Grace Laura Mahon was born, weighing just 3.4lbs, at Warrington Hospital.

Now 30 months on, Laura keeps fighting against her ‘impossible odds’ and her friends and family have been supporting her along the way, most recently her colleagues at Urban Beauty Salon in Penketh have held a fundraiser to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research in her honour.

She said: “I loved working there but since I have been diagnosed I’ve not been able to work but my colleagues have always kept in touch and are amazing.

“They raised money all week doing raffles, prizes and a silent auction, one of the staff even waxed her boyfriend’s legs all to raise £700.

St Helens Star: Laura and her familyLaura and her family (Image: Laura and her family)

“I was a young mum to be and I had my whole life turned upside down, brain tumours don’t discriminate and they currently kill more men, women and children under 40 than any other cancer.

“Yet just 12% of people diagnosed with a brain tumour will survive past 5 years and only 1% of the national cancer spend is allocated to brain tumours.

“By donating to the brain tumour research charity you’ll be helping people like me and 16,000 other people who are diagnosed to have a chance of a cure or treatments. It’s our only chance.

“I try to take every day as it comes, I was given one year to live, but 31 months on and I’m here. We’ve had setbacks but we keep fighting. Every day is a gift.”

Follow Laura's battle and journey via Instagram and TikTok on @lauradowntherabbithole